In the world of tough business competition, if you want your stake to go high, all you need to do is make your product “Go Viral“.
Viral marketing is a strategy to spread information about an item or service from person to person by word of mouth or sharing via the web or email. The objective of viral marketing is to inspire individuals to share a marketing message with friends, family, and other individuals to make an exponential growth in the number of its recipients.

But is Viral Marketing as simple as thinking and planning about to make it happen and you are easily able to achieve the desired results? If you think that’s the case you’re wrong. It takes a lot more than just simply planning to make content go viral. You need ingredients like ideas, creativity, and innovation in a large amount to taste the flavor of success of your Viral Marketing strategy.
And, here we bring to you some of the most important and useful tips which would come useful if you’re planning to use Viral Marketing strategy to promote your product :

1) Targeted Audience & Clear Goals
Before you even begin planning things you should concentrate and decide who are your audience you’ll be focusing on because it is difficult to come up with something which appeals to everyone. Having figured out whom will you focus it’ll turn out easier to come up with ideas that can attract their needs, interests, and desires.
Once you are clear with whom to target, set your goals accordingly. Ask yourself that what do you exactly wish to achieve by making your content go viral and take steps accordingly.

2) Trendsetter
Usually, companies observe the trending pattern of marketing going on and try to improvise something new in it and lure customers. But, customers nowadays are attracted more to new and unexpected things. They tend to run after something they find completely new and they haven’t have heard or predicted about it. So, your ideas should be creative as well as reasonable enough to make people believe that your service is different and best compared to what is already trending in the market and, you are the new trendsetter.
3) Emotional Appeal

You should focus on creating such content with which your audience can connect, be it in an emotional way or be it something which makes them laugh off their head. If you’re able to do so, half your work is done. When the audience feels connected towards your content they’ll try your product or service.
4) Rewards are always a plus point

The main focus of Viral Marketing to get your content shared as much as possible. And there two main tactics to get your content shared, the first one being an emotional appeal and, the second one is rewarding customers for sharing your content. Everyone out there likes rewards and free goodies so, you can give your customers some rewards like for sharing your content for a particular number of times :
- Vouchers and Redeemable points
- Freebies of your brand
- Products from eminent partner brands (this will also increase your reputation in the eyes of the audience)

5) Keep Optimizing
Keep optimizing your content. Optimizing means to include right sharing and downloading buttons, appropriate texts, correct customized hashtags, etc. This makes it easy for your customers to share your content on various platforms, especially on social media(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) which are widely used nowadays. After all the publicity you’ll gain will directly be proportional to the number of shares.
Since the 1990s this marketing strategy is being used widely. But, the above 5 tips are what will make your Viral Marketing strategy effective and stand out and shine ahead of your other competitors in the market.